Monday, October 26, 2015

Project 4 (Final)

The end of project 4 was both depressing and very satisfying. I say this because I am a little depressed that it is over because I was enjoying the process to create the book that can be seen above. I then say satisfying because I was very pleased with the quality of the book when it was finished. The overall feel and the sharpness of the images were exactly what I wanted. I will say the images are a little off, but it was hard to align them properly and I tried to take the precautions to avoid that problem. Unfortunately I was not able to align them perfectly, but I think it was pretty good considering this was the first flip book that I have ever created that was of this quality. The overall assignment was very time consuming, plus the 3 or 4 times I decided to change my images. However even through it was time consuming, the end result was well worth the time spent. I feel like this project wen very well.

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