Thursday, October 15, 2015

Project 4 (After the Critique)

After considerable thinking I decided to drop the pictures that I had taken to search the endless void that is Google. I came to this decision a few days before the class critique. I was working on the project to get it ready for the critique when I decided it just wasn't working the best, and there had to be some better idea. I actually came with my new idea from one of the pictures that I had taken of the reflection pool here at Drake. I really enjoyed the way the water rippled and the forms that it created. 

I had my new direction, water. I fired up google chrome and began to search any and all pictures of water. Somewhere along my search I made the connection to to fire and the similar form that it had to water, and the then the idea of fire and water evolved into the four elements. After the critique however I'm feeling that I should just go with the water since I was having problems making connections with the earth and air elements. I had the idea during class that it might be interesting to make the water pour out of a bottle and the book could be displayed vertical instead of horizontal. We will see where my new direction leads me. 

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