Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Project 5 (Brief)

I have to say after the demo in Flash I was slightly.... Very overwhelmed. It was a lot to take in. Flash has a very similar feel to photoshop and indesign and just other adobe programs in general, but right away I could tell that there will be a little bit of a learning curve in picking this software up and running with it. Also just like any other program it will take a while to master. I think my biggest problem that I will be facing with this assignment is defining what symbol I will use, and what the animation will be. Once I have an idea of the direction I would like to take my animation I think I will be able to get a firm grasp on this assignment, my goal for this project is to flesh out the storyboarding enough so I won't be switching my animation like the last project. There won't be enough wiggle room to do that with this particular project.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Project 4 (Final)

The end of project 4 was both depressing and very satisfying. I say this because I am a little depressed that it is over because I was enjoying the process to create the book that can be seen above. I then say satisfying because I was very pleased with the quality of the book when it was finished. The overall feel and the sharpness of the images were exactly what I wanted. I will say the images are a little off, but it was hard to align them properly and I tried to take the precautions to avoid that problem. Unfortunately I was not able to align them perfectly, but I think it was pretty good considering this was the first flip book that I have ever created that was of this quality. The overall assignment was very time consuming, plus the 3 or 4 times I decided to change my images. However even through it was time consuming, the end result was well worth the time spent. I feel like this project wen very well.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Project 4 (After the Critique)

After considerable thinking I decided to drop the pictures that I had taken to search the endless void that is Google. I came to this decision a few days before the class critique. I was working on the project to get it ready for the critique when I decided it just wasn't working the best, and there had to be some better idea. I actually came with my new idea from one of the pictures that I had taken of the reflection pool here at Drake. I really enjoyed the way the water rippled and the forms that it created. 

I had my new direction, water. I fired up google chrome and began to search any and all pictures of water. Somewhere along my search I made the connection to to fire and the similar form that it had to water, and the then the idea of fire and water evolved into the four elements. After the critique however I'm feeling that I should just go with the water since I was having problems making connections with the earth and air elements. I had the idea during class that it might be interesting to make the water pour out of a bottle and the book could be displayed vertical instead of horizontal. We will see where my new direction leads me. 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Project 4

During the intro to project four all I could seem to think about was taking pictures my own pictures for this assignment. It seems like it would be a lot easier to take the pictures of what you need then searching through google. We will see how it goes but for now I am planning on taking all of my own pictures. 

As for the project itself it seems very straight forward and I think that I will be able to do well on it. I believe it will probably be easiest to just follow the line of the images instead of focusing on other elements like texture and color (Even though the final project is in black and white). We will just have to wait and see how the project develops. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Project 2

Below are my final images for my project 2. Overall I am very happy with the way they turned out. The ones that gave me the most trouble were the second and the last ones. I kept having problems making some other form to go with the glasses that way they all seemed more uniform, and as far as the last one goes I was having issues making sure that it was actually symmetrical. I think they came along very nicely.