Monday, November 16, 2015

Project 5 (Final)

Project 5 was very time consuming. I think one of the reasons that took so long was because I had to learn more software that I have never used/heard of before. Going into this I thought this was going to be easier than what it turned to be out. I was finding that flash is not very user friendly. I found my self spending minutes just trying to get something to move on my timeline or just trying to get it to react the way I wanted it to. Another big problem with mine specifically was my audio. My audio originally wasn't very time specific. For example the ticking of the clock was not ticking on the second, which was odd in itself, but then I had to edit the audio to make it happen every second. Once I got the audio done and I was able to get the hang of flash I was well on my way to creating this cool animation. On the development I didn't really have one final, then did something else for a different result. I just did lots of different little types of animations in my library and then build my final project around it. Over all I'm happy with the turn out, and I would like to do another animation someday, just maybe not in flash. 

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