Monday, September 28, 2015

Project 2 (After Critique 1)

Today we critiqued project 2 in a group. I've decide from that critique to pick the three shapes logos that I created (Pictures of logos below). The project is not quite there, but I'm that much closer to the final product.

For this form made out of letters, I need to make the line bolder if it is going to look more uniform throughout the entire project. If I do not do this, this will look somewhere in the middle range of boldness compared to the other two forms below. 

For this form, or my glasses I also need to bold the lines a bit more. I also need to make form the shape of the glasses to be more square. At the moment this form is too rectangular to be cohesive with the other two shapes. I'm not sure at the moment how I'm going to make it look more "square" since I like the simplistic look of the glasses the way they are. 

This one is the simplest of the three forms to edit. I just need to tone down the line thickness about 25% to help make this shape be more cohesive with the other two forms. 

Overall I think this project should turn out very well once I find the right amount of balance between the three forms. 

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