Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Project 3 (In class Project)

Today's in class project could be not only be described as "Trippy", but I think a few of us got a headache by working on this one. Overall it was a fun project to try and see how many different ways you could connect the positive and negative shape to make different patterns. It almost seemed like there were endless possibilities, but I'm sure you could run out of options fairly soon if you kept experimenting. After I did 14 of them I was feeling a little dizzy so I decided that that was a good place to stop. I'm happy with them, and I enjoy that there are still lots of other options that I didn't even come close to.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Project 2 (After Critique 1)

Today we critiqued project 2 in a group. I've decide from that critique to pick the three shapes logos that I created (Pictures of logos below). The project is not quite there, but I'm that much closer to the final product.

For this form made out of letters, I need to make the line bolder if it is going to look more uniform throughout the entire project. If I do not do this, this will look somewhere in the middle range of boldness compared to the other two forms below. 

For this form, or my glasses I also need to bold the lines a bit more. I also need to make form the shape of the glasses to be more square. At the moment this form is too rectangular to be cohesive with the other two shapes. I'm not sure at the moment how I'm going to make it look more "square" since I like the simplistic look of the glasses the way they are. 

This one is the simplest of the three forms to edit. I just need to tone down the line thickness about 25% to help make this shape be more cohesive with the other two forms. 

Overall I think this project should turn out very well once I find the right amount of balance between the three forms. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Project 2

This project will be a little bit more complicated and more time consuming then the first. Sketching out 75+ sketches is a lot but it is needed to get more of a refined idea for the final three logos. I have some ideas on what I could do going forward since I have already designed a logo for my self which I will post below. I think one of the more difficult challenges going into this project will be developing some kind of image that represents me in some way. Letters are easy, but trying to design some kind of image is where it will get difficult. Looking forward to this project, so now it's time to get sketching.

This logo that I made is just using the first letter of my first and last name. I like triangles so when I designing the logo I knew I wanted it to have triangles in it. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Going into project one I had no idea what this class would really be about, but I guess that is the case with most classes. Needless to say that I was confused as to where the first project was going when we started it. I had done previous figure ground reversal projects before in past classes, but never any involving letters. I think my previous projects actually kind of confused me when starting project one. Once I started to understand what the requirements of the project were, I began to do more proof letters faster.

I believe the hardest part about this project came next after the first 36 proofs were created. Deciding which two I wanted two use in my book. It was hard enough picking six of them to go into the group critique. It's hard as a designer not to show any bias to all your work. It is so easy for one to fall into the mindset of everything I do is "perfect". This however is simply not true. If you actually plan to learn anything from a college experience it is imperative that this does not happen. Thankfully... We have other people in the class that can help you decide which ones work the best and which ones only sort of work. Once my six were picked, and we critiqued them I was more than happy with the decision of the group.

Once the the two best images were selected I thought it was very easy to put the whole book together. I had little to no problems fallowing the instructions and stitching the book together. I will say that I struggled recalling the printing instructions, but that will be learned once again. Overall I was pleased with the final result of the project, and I was excited to see how the book looked stitched together rather then stapled. I thought it does make the book look a lot more professional than stapling it.