Monday, November 30, 2015

Project 7 (Brief)

Listening to Projects 7 brief today I am both overwhelmed and excited. I feel like the project is going to be a lot of work. Not so much importing the images and the files into the final portfolio book that project 7 will be, but the explanation that will be involved. I would am no the strongest writer, and I am starting to realize more and more that it seems that the graphic design field not only requires strong design skills, but strong writing skills. I think this will be the greatest challenge for me as a progress through this project. For know I think my plan of attack is to gather all of the images that I will like to use and place them inside the provided template. Then slowly make it my own.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Project 6

Overall project 6 was relatively easy and straight forward. Pick a picture and create a poster that wasn't based off of a grid system. One of the major struggles I think I had for this assignment was picking out a picture that I wanted to use. I chose four images that I liked the best and did my preliminary sketches on print outs of them.

Once I finished up with my sketches I had narrowed it down to the top to images. I liked the picture with the railing because I thought it had lots of movement that could have been taken advantage of, however in the end I went with the image on the left for a variety of different reasons. One of them being the way the image was taken. I really enjoyed the lighting and just the way the framing was done. Also another plus to the image was it was taken in almost perfect one point perspective. Once I had discovered this I began to outline a basis for a poster design. 

Being able to see the different lines of perspective gave me the idea to form shapes of colors with different transparencies. This is what I ended up going for in the end. 

Below are the different versions of type I laid over the shapes that I had filled in using photoshop. 

Version 1

Version 2

Below is my final poster design. There are a few tweaks that were made from the first version to the final version below. The most drastic tweak that I made was probably the font. I decided that I needed something a little different that Futura so I searched for something that I liked better and wound up using Arial Narrow. I felt like this font fit the aesthetic that I was to obtain. The next biggest would have to be formatting. Originally I was was going to try and make the text fill in the colored triangles that were created, but it didn't feel right when I tried that in version 1. I eventually came to the conclusion that since the photo has so much one point perspective that it seemed natural that the title should fall on or at least near the finishing point. Since I did this I feel that the readers I is immediately drawn to the title because of the natural lines that are within the image. The final main change that I made would be the general layout of all the sub text. I feel by aligning some of the sub text right below the title works well, and the subtext at the bottom worked very well. I felt even the placement of the photographer credit was in a good spot in the bottom right. However I wasn't sure who the photographer was, so I wrote some text in. Over all I am really please with the final product of this poster, and I am looking forward to finishing out the year strong!

Final Version

Monday, November 16, 2015

Project 5 (Final)

Project 5 was very time consuming. I think one of the reasons that took so long was because I had to learn more software that I have never used/heard of before. Going into this I thought this was going to be easier than what it turned to be out. I was finding that flash is not very user friendly. I found my self spending minutes just trying to get something to move on my timeline or just trying to get it to react the way I wanted it to. Another big problem with mine specifically was my audio. My audio originally wasn't very time specific. For example the ticking of the clock was not ticking on the second, which was odd in itself, but then I had to edit the audio to make it happen every second. Once I got the audio done and I was able to get the hang of flash I was well on my way to creating this cool animation. On the development I didn't really have one final, then did something else for a different result. I just did lots of different little types of animations in my library and then build my final project around it. Over all I'm happy with the turn out, and I would like to do another animation someday, just maybe not in flash.